ENG: Data-based Software Engineering Methods and Tools
Modern software systems are highly complex and have a long lifetime. During the engineering of such systems, enormous amounts of data are generated over time. This includes the development artifacts (e.g. source code, models, documentation of design decisions) in different versions and variants, but also the data acquired during operation. All this data offers great potential to support software engineering. Appropriate data-based engineering processes and techniques can ensure a managed evolution of systems, e.g., through DevOps approaches that combine development (Dev) and operations (Ops).
In the research group "Data-based Software Engineering Methods and Tools", we develop AI-based methods and tools based on this data, e.g., to support and even partially or completely automate development decisions. Further research directions of our group are in particular corresponding process models, the abstraction of software systems, approaches for the improvement of the development process, metamodeling as well as the conception and management of software product life cycles.