Herzlich Willkommen!

Das ISSE begrüßt einen neuen Mitarbeiter!

Das Institut für Software and Systems Engineering hat einen neuen Mitarbeiter bekommen. Herr Ahmad Hatahet unterstützt die Forschungsgruppe Machine Learned Models for Engineers.

Und weil wir Ahmad auch erst seit kurzem kennen, lassen wir ihn einfach selbst zu Wort kommen:


Ahmad Hatahet, M.Sc.

I am excited to introduce myself as a new researcher employee at ISSE. My name is Ahmad Hatahet, and I am thrilled to be a part of this vibrant academic community.

I obtained my undergraduate degree in Finance and Accounting from Cairo University in Egypt. Then, I worked for two years with a startup developing custom software applications. That is where I got introduced to the world of programming and developed a passion to do exciting projects. Afterward, I combined my financial and programming skills to pursue a career in data analysis.

With the rapid development of this field, I learned how machine learning worked theoretically and practice their application, which lead me to expand my knowledge and graduate in Computer Science with a Master’s degree from TU Clausthal.

Along this journey I advanced my skills with Artificial Intelligence regarding Large Language Models and added more field experience to my profile by working here in Germany as a Data Scientist.

In my next chapter and as a new member of the ML4E (Machine Learned Models for Engineers) Team at the TU Clausthal, I am eager to assist and contribute to the ongoing projects with my colleagues by developing advanced models and running exciting experiments.

My main research goal is to advance the application of large language models and run experiments for inspiring results in this domain.


Wir freuen uns riesig auf die kommende Zusammenarbeit und wünschen Ahmad alles Gute und viel Erfolg!


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